martes, 31 de enero de 2012


Few days ago, i removed my teeth, and it hurtssssss :(. The only good thing is that i can eat ice creams as much as i can haha! Near my grannys house they make the best homemade italians ice creams in the world!
Hace unos días me saqué las muelas del juicio, y como dueleeeee :(.
Creo que lo único bueno, es que puedo comer helados hasta hartarme jajaja.
Justo al lado de la casa de mi abuela preparan los mejores helados caseros italianos del mundo.

2 comentarios:

  1. OUCH! but now you get ice cream ;-)

    thanks for visiting my blog, lets follow each other, i will await you on my blog via google friend connect ;-)

  2. thanks for your comment, i already follow your blog, i hope you can follow mine too :)
